3 Valuable Things I Learned in 2018

As another year wraps up, here are some lessons worth sharing

Pallavi Mathur
Ascent Publication


So, it’s mid-December and we’re already preparing for a new year. It feels like just yesterday I was wondering whether to post my first piece on here — and now here we are.

Time flies, so I couldn’t let 2018 pass without writing about how valuable it’s been.

These are simple ideas, but behind them is a wealth of potential to make the rest of this year the best it can be.

1. Patience is key

Regardless of what your goals are, remember that things take time. There’s only so much we can control at a given moment — we have to let the rest unfold at the pace that it’s meant to.

Of course, this isn’t easy. It takes an incredible amount of strength to “trust the process”, be patient, and hope that it will all eventually be worth it. Yet if there’s one thing we can be sure of, it’s that good things take a while to come to fruition.

We have to let the small steps we take everyday build up to an eventual masterpiece. It’s like when you first start going to the gym. You can’t expect change overnight, but you definitely know it’ll come with effort and consistency.

Patience helps us realize that small wins matter, and it’s worth waiting for them to come together in the grand scheme of things. Just because something isn’t happening right now, doesn’t mean it never will.

2. You are more than capable of living your best life

In reality, we can’t always choose what happens to us — but we can absolutely decide how we handle things. We decide whether we’re going to show up. We decide whether we’ll remember overcoming certain challenges, or succumbing to them. We decide the standard to hold ourselves to.

When things don’t work out the way we planned, we can’t see that as the end of the world. We have to see challenges as opportunities.

Instead of thinking, “Oh no, now I have to do xyz to get things back to what they were”,
try saying, “Wow, now I have the chance to do xyz, and see where things go.”

Sometimes, what we perceive as setbacks are just life’s way of rerouting you to things that are better for you — things you couldn’t have dreamed of before. That said, sometimes you need to experience a storm before the calm that follows it. Embrace all the twists and turns, learn to be adaptable, and there’s no reason why you can’t shape any situation into one that fits your best life.

3. Be kind to others — and yourself

I’m amazed by how much perseverance and dedication people have nowadays. I think it’s incredible to see that level of passion. Regardless of what people are or aren’t accomplishing, everyone is still striving for something.

So we have to be kind. We’re all human, and we’re all trying — a little kindness can go a long way. Empower people to pursue their dreams, and support them on their way to greatness. What do you really gain by doing otherwise?

The other side to this is equally important, and often overlooked — be kind to yourself. Listen to your soul and spend time doing what you love. Support yourself as you would anybody else.

Whether you’ve accomplished everything you set out to this year, or whether only a few things are checked off, you’ve come a long way. Respect your progress, acknowledge your growth, and believe in your potential.

Photo by Steven VanDesande Jr on Unsplash

If I could summarize it in one way, I’d say 2018 was a year of growth. The good news is that the year isn’t over yet — there is still so much time for you to meet, surpass, or even re-frame your expectations. Just be patient, be kind, and live your best life!

Thanks for reading! What were some things 2018 taught you?



Pallavi Mathur
Ascent Publication

Dental student with a passion for personal development, productivity, and exploring what it means to live your best life. Join me as I write through my journey!