3 Underrated Habits That Keep Me Sane
It’s great that we know success comes with hard work. We understand that it’s not supposed to be easy. Good for us!
Although it’s nice to acknowledge this truth, how are we supposed to live a happy, wholesome life if we’re constantly hustling hard? In the busyness of everyday life and its challenges, where do we find the time to slow down and recharge?
While navigating the balance between slaying the game and staying sane, I’ve found 3 simple habits that do wonders for the soul.
1) Morning Pages
The idea behind Morning Pages is simple. Soon after waking up, settle down with a journal. Put your phone away. Close the door if you need to; nothing should distract you from this exercise. Pick up a pen, and start writing. Keep going until you’ve finished 3 whole pages — no more, no less.
Morning Pages typically take the form of stream-of-consciousness writing. While writing mine, I don’t think about what I’m putting down on the pages. I just keep my pen moving until 3 of them are done.
Regardless of how it starts out, every session ends with a sense of clarity and focus. By unleashing a slew of thoughts through writing, my mind is left only with those that are pertinent to keeping me centered, focused, and optimistic about my goals. When I close my journal, I am ready to face the rest of my day with a sense of purpose and productivity.
The beauty of Morning Pages is their flexibility. Your entries don’t have to be “about” anything. There’s no pressure to discover anything profound about yourself or life in general. They are what you want them to be. The only requirement is that you fill up those 3 pages. It doesn’t matter what you write. It doesn’t matter how you write. It doesn’t even matter when you write.
More often than not, I end up doing my “Morning” Pages at a random point in the day when I get the chance. Still, I make an effort to give them the time they deserve; it’s an aspect of my routine I’ve come to love because of the peace it brings with it.
Overall, Morning Pages are a great chance for you to get to know yourself. Converse with your mind, understand what it’s all about, and make sure you’re both on the same page about what your day will look like.
2) Meditation
First of all, it’s not what it sounds like. Although I would love to forcefully sit down for half an hour everyday and keep my mind quiet, that’s not the kind of meditation I’m talking about.
When I meditate, it’s during the busiest time of my day, with a million other things happening around me.
Seems counter-intuitive, right? How can you concentrate on meditation if there are countless distractions around you?
The way I see it, meditation isn’t something you concentrate on; it’s a path towards concentration.
When I’m on the go and I need a moment to recharge, I turn to the one thing that’s constant no matter where I am or what I’m doing: my breath. I notice the air moving in, and out, and in, and out. This simple exercise takes less than a minute, and it works. Before I know it, I’m ready to dive back into the chaos of the day, and enjoy it.
If it seems too simple, that’s because it is — and it’s an incredible way to ground yourself when life’s endeavors seem to sweep you away.
No matter where you are or what you’re doing, find something that you can use to refocus your mind. It doesn’t have to be your breath. It can be anything that keeps you in the present, so you can perform at your best level.
The more you get into it, the more you’ll realize that meditation is all about what works for you — there aren’t any rules.
3) Acting with Intention
I’ll leave it to Oprah to explain exactly what this is, but I’ll say this: acting with intention is everything.
When you decide to invest in your passions and live with unapologetic authenticity, you’ll be surprised by how simple your life becomes. By consciously evaluating how different opportunities align with your values and goals, you prevent yourself from getting lost amongst the noise.
You can use your energy to focus on things you genuinely care about, and fly with them. Suddenly, every step you take is on the path to becoming the best version of yourself.
To help me with this, I use a vision board. The general idea is to create a visual representation of your goals, and place it somewhere you’ll see it often.
When I look at my vision board everyday, I am reminded of what I want to invest time and energy into. I see the things I want to accomplish, and make it a point to act in accordance with those outcomes. Amazingly, I’ve found that these small notes-to-self translate into the actual decisions I make. The things I spend my time on are more meaningful, because I actively decide that they’re worth it.
The best part is, anyone can act with intention. It’s a hidden gem of a mindset that can change the way we live our lives. All it takes is the choice to think before you act, and act how you think. Imagine how much easier life gets when you know everything you’re doing is right for you!
I hope you’ve found these habits worth incorporating into your lifestyle; let me know if they work for you. Thanks so much for reading!